How to Find Large Files on Linux

Linux is a powerful operating system with several utilities that help handle system resources. The more large files stored in it, the more important finding and dealing with them to recover space becomes necessary. In this article, we will go through different methods for finding big files on a Linux system each method details an example of a command.

1. Using the find Command

The find command is one of the most versatile utilities in Linux. It can be used to locate files based on a number of search criteria including name, size, modification date, and many more. For finding large files, you should specify the size with the -size option.

Basic Syntax

find /path/to/directory -type f -size +SIZE
  • /path/to/directory: The directory you want to search.
  • -type f: Searches only for files (ignores directories).
  • -size +SIZE: Finds files larger than the specified size. The size can be in kilobytes (k), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).

Example: Finding Files Larger Than 500MB

To search for files larger than 500MB in the /home directory, use the following command:

find /home -type f -size +500M

This command will list all files larger than 500MB in the /home directory and its subdirectories.

Additional Options

You can also combine the find command with exec to take action on the found files, such as removing them:

find /home -type f -size +500M -exec rm {} \;

This will find and delete all files larger than 500MB in the /home directory. Be careful with this command, as it deletes files immediately without asking for confirmation.

2. Using the du Command

The du (Disk Usage) command is another useful tool for finding large files and directories. It shows the disk usage of files and directories in kilobytes by default.

Basic Syntax

du -ah /path/to/directory | sort -rh | head -n 10
  • -a: Displays the size of all files, not just directories.
  • -h: Shows sizes in a human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).
  • sort -rh: Sorts the results by size in descending order (largest to smallest).
  • head -n 10: Shows the top 10 largest files.

Example: Finding the Top 10 Largest Files and Directories

To display the top 10 largest files and directories in /var/log, run:

du -ah /var/log | sort -rh | head -n 10

This command lists the largest files and directories in /var/log, making it easy to identify space hogs.

3. Using the ls Command

The ls command is generally used to list files in a directory. However, with the correct options, it can be helpful in identifying large files.

Basic Syntax

ls -lhS /path/to/directory
  • -l: Lists files in long format.
  • -h: Displays file sizes in human-readable format.
  • -S: Sorts files by size, with the largest files appearing first.

Example: Listing the Largest Files in /var

ls -lhS /var

This command will list files in the /var directory, sorted by size from largest to smallest.

4. Combining du and find Commands

You can combine the power of both the du and find commands to create an even more effective search for large files. This combination helps filter results based on size, while also showing detailed information about the files.

Example: Finding Files Larger Than 1GB and Displaying Their Disk Usage

find / -type f -size +1G -exec du -h {} +

This command will find all files larger than 1GB on the system and display their sizes in a human-readable format.

5. Using GUI Tools

For users who prefer a graphical interface, many Linux distributions offer GUI tools to find large files, such as:

  • Disk Usage Analyzer (Baobab): A graphical tool available in GNOME-based Linux systems, which visually represents disk usage and helps find large files or directories.
  • KDirStat: A similar tool for KDE environments, offering detailed information about disk usage and large files.

To install Baobab, you can use:

sudo apt install baobab

6. Automating Large File Searches with a Script

To make the process of finding large files even more efficient, you can create a bash script to automate the search.

Example Script: Find Files Larger Than 1GB

echo "Finding files larger than 1GB..."
find / -type f -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'

This script searches for files larger than 1GB and outputs their paths and sizes. Save the script as, make it executable (chmod +x, and run it with ./


The search for large files is an important activity in efficient disk management within Linux. Whether one uses the find command, du, or even a more GUI-oriented tool like Baobab, Linux has flexible and powerful options. The above techniques will go a long way in assisting the user in cleaning the system from useless big files that occupy meaningful storage space.

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