How to Install cPanel on CentOS

About cPanel

cPanel is a web-based control panel designed to simplify the management of web hosting and server administration tasks. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to effortlessly manage their websites, domains, email accounts, databases, and other aspects of their hosting environment.

With cPanel, users can perform a wide range of functions, such as creating and managing email accounts, configuring FTP access, setting up subdomains, managing DNS records, installing applications using the Softaculous app installer, and monitoring website statistics. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that cater to both beginners and advanced users, empowering them to efficiently manage their web hosting environment.

The intuitive graphical interface of cPanel makes it easy for users to navigate and perform tasks without the need for extensive technical knowledge. It provides a streamlined and organized approach to managing server settings and website configurations, saving time and effort.

In addition to its user-friendly features, cPanel offers robust security measures to protect websites and server resources. It allows users to set up SSL certificates, manage firewall settings, and configure access controls to enhance the security of their websites and server.

cPanel has become a popular choice for web hosting providers and website owners alike due to its simplicity, versatility, and extensive functionality. It serves as a valuable tool for efficiently managing web hosting environments and streamlining administrative tasks, contributing to the smooth operation and performance of websites and online applications.

How to Install cPanel on CentOS

To install cPanel on CentOS, follow these detailed steps:

Prepare your CentOS server:

  • Ensure that your CentOS server meets the minimum system requirements for cPanel. It should have a fresh installation of CentOS without any conflicting software.
  • Make sure your server has a stable internet connection.

Access the command line:

Log in to your CentOS server via SSH as the root user or a user with sudo privileges.

Update the system:

Run the following commands to update your system packages:

sudo yum update sudo yum upgrade

Disable NetworkManager:

cPanel requires the network service to be managed by the network service manager instead of NetworkManager. Disable NetworkManager by running the following commands:

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager

Set hostname:

Ensure your server’s hostname is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) by running the following command:

hostnamectl set-hostname

Install cPanel:

Download the cPanel installation script by executing the following command:

curl -o latest -L

Make the installation script executable with the command:

chmod +x latest

Run the installation script:


The installation process may take some time. It will automatically install all necessary packages and dependencies.

Access cPanel:

Once the installation completes, you can access the cPanel web interface via a web browser. Use the following URL:


Replace “your-server-ip” with the actual IP address or domain name of your server.

Log in to cPanel using the provided username and password.

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