How to Install in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

What is “” for RHEL?

“” is a shared object library file for the libnsl library. libnsl is a library that provides a number of network services, including the functionality for programs to make network connections using the transport layer protocol TCP, as well as other functionality related to networking. It provides a number of standard C library function calls that are used by programs to perform these services.

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems, libnsl is a system library that is required by many network-related programs and utilities, such as the rpcbind service and the rsh and rlogin utilities. It provides the implementation of the functions of the Network Services Library API, which provides a number of services that are used by programs that need to communicate over the network.

It’s also worth noting that, libnsl is commonly used by programs written in C, but can also be used by programs written in other languages as well through the use of wrapper libraries.

How to Install in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

In order to install the libnsl library on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) system, you will need to use the package manager yum. The package that contains is called “libnsl”, so you can install it by running the following command as the root user:

yum install libnsl

This will download and install the libnsl package, along with any dependencies that it requires. Once the installation is complete, the library file should be located in the /usr/lib64 directory.

Alternatively, you can use the rpm command for installing the package

rpm -ivh package_name.rpm

Be sure to replace the package_name.rpm with the correct name of the package you are installing.

It’s also a good practice to update your system before installing any packages

yum update

Also, it is worth noting that these commands will only work if the package is available in the repositories that are configured on your system. So if the package is not found, you may need to add additional repositories or source the package from a different location.

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